Sunday 9 January 2011

Fern Dale, Lathkill Dale and Cales Dale

So that Pete and Keith could have a look at the area surrounding some mine shafts in the area, as they were not that far away from Water Icicle Close Cavern, they joined Karen and myself on a short walk in the Lathkill Dale area.
First was a trip to the Hitch 'n' Hike shop near Bamford so that Pete and Keith could pick up their prize for the longest section of new cave found in the Peak District for 2010, which was 200 metres of SRT rope.
After this we stopped off at Monyash café for lunch then parked at the public toilets at the top of Lathkill Dale while Karen, Keith and Pete had a quick look at the entrance to nearby Cascade Cavern.
That done, we moved on to the lane which leads from Monyash next to Derby Lane and walked along the lane until it narrowed to a walled footpath leading to a junction of footpaths at the top of Fern Dale.
We dropped down Fern Dale and had a quick look for the mine shaft entrances we were interested in, then continued down the remaining section of Fern Dale to where it intersects Lathkill Dale.
We followed the somewhat icy path along the floor of Lathkill Dale, stopping en route to have a look at the entrances to Lathkill Dale Resurgence Cave and Critchlow Dale Cave opposite.
Continuing onwards and feeling warmer now from our walking (it was a sunny, clear but very cold day with a biting wind), we crossed the small footbridge to Cales Dale then followed that, passing through the farmyard of One Ash Grange Farm to reach some fields which led back to the path junction at the top of Fern Dale.
Retracing our route along the walled footpath and lane, we soon arrived back at our starting point at Monyash.
A second visit to the cafe of course, then home.

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