Wednesday 6 June 2012

Prod's Pot

We parked up the narrow road from the footpath leading past the cave at a largish area where a gated track began then after changing into caving gear, except for Boyd who hadn't brought SRT kit on his flight, we walked back along the road for half a mile or three quarters and the followed the signposted footpath up hill for a short way which was warm work wearing caving gear as the sun made an appearance.
We soon found the tree-filled depression surrounded by a barbed wire fence where the cave entrance was and to our dismay discovered a huge amount of midges waiting for us in the depression!
Keith began rigging the entrance, also waving his arms around to discourage the midges and it was then that I noticed that I had left my descender at the car! RATS!
So, I walked back to the car as Boyd started a walk nearby. As I eventually reached the car, I was hot and sweaty and as it was such a distance to have to return to the cave and the others would be gone by then I decide to get changed and wait at the car. There was also mention of a restriction on one of the entrance pitches caused by a boulder in the cave description and I still had the thought that I might not be able to get past this anyway.
After three hours, Karen and Keith returned saying it had been an excellent trip and Karen thought the boulder might have stopped me anyway if I had remembered to bring my descender.
Walking towards the cave
Keith in the entrance to Prod's Pot

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