Friday 12 October 2012

BCRC Conference Clapham, Yorkshire Dales

I had taken the afternoon off from work and we drove to Clapham in the Yorkshire Dales to pick up the key for Greenclose, the Northern Pennine Club's hut, where we were staying for the weekend.
Then as it has just opened for Registration at 17:00, we visited nearby Ingleborough Hall to register for the British Cave Rescue Council's Conference which was being held in the Yorkshire Dales this year.
Afterwards we drove to Greenclose and put our sleeping bags on a couple of bunks and dropped off some of our gear there. We had camping and walking gear with us as we were moving on to the Lake District for some walking after the weekend.
Returning to Ingleborough at 19:30, we joined Bill Whitehouse, Julie Hardy and Ron Price from DCRO for dinner.  

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