Friday 29 July 2011

Harter Fell

As the small car park by Jubilee Bridge was full, we parked in one of the lay-bys on the narrow road leading to Hardknott Pass.
We walked the short distance up the road towards the Pass, then at the car park, we crossed Hardknott Gill on a small stone footbridge and then followed the bridleway as it gradually rose along the flanks of Birker Fell.
The heights were in cloud as we continued now climbing a bit more steeply on a fairly well-defined footpath. We soon reached the summit and found a spot sheltered from the breeze to have our lunch but because of the conditions, the midges were out and we were soon starting to be THEIR lunch!
We moved around to North-West side and luckily the cloud was now patchy so we could see quite expansive views down to Hardknott Pass below and the old Roman fort at its foot. We could also see across to Eskdale Fell and Stony Tarn.
But, soon, the midges were back, so we returned back down following the same route as before. Luckily, the cloud had now largely gone with brilliant views up Esdale towards the Scafell Massif, Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell.

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