Sunday 16 June 2013

White Scar Cave

Pete Wagstaff had said that it had been suggested at White Scar yesterday that we try again today, so it was another early breakfast. We hadn't brought enough food for a second self-cooked breakfast so we hoped Bernies was open at 08:00 as Karen, Keith and I headed for Ingleton.
We arrived there at about 08:20 and saw on the door that Bernies opens at 09:00. Rats. I looked at the door on Inglesport and it said they opened at 08:30, so we should be alright if we had breakfast there. Alan Steele saw me at the door and opened it even though it was only 08:20 and said we could go ahead and go upstairs and wait in the café as it would open shortly.
Soon we had our breakfasts and then again drove to White Scar car park where we found it was partly full with vehicles having something to do with filming.
Soon we asked the man we saw yesterday about our trip and he let us know it was on. Excellent!
Unfortunately Simon and Phil were only up for the day yesterday so it was a reduced party of 8 who headed in through the show cave. For some reason the pace was very rapid and Chris and I who were last re-joined the others in Battle Chamber where we stopped to have a look at this large and impressive chamber.
Having warmed up going up the steps to Battle Chamber and back down, we were soon quickly cooled off in the next section just beyond the show cave in deep water.
Soon we arrived ta Big Bertha, a huge boulder and the boulder choke. The route through the choke is marked by a bright orange thin cord and we were soon past this obstacle with a couple of awkward little squeezes.
Then it was the remaining streamway which is quite well decorated. I had though from previous two trips to this cave that there weren't that many decorations, when using an Oldhams lamp, but now with the combination of my Scurion light and the others, especially Karen's recent birthday present of a top of the range Scurion (VERY Bright!), you could see a lot more.
We stopped at a climb up to a small side passage and I decided to not continue to the very end and let the others pass.
Continuing down the main passage, Keith, Karen, Jo and I eventually reached a chamber where a squat in the water allowed you to follow the stream onwards. The rest of the party were coming up behind.
Keith and I followed the water by swimming the deeper sections or floating along and pushing on the floor where the water depth allowed this.
I had continued on to the eventual sump on my own on a previous trip and I wasn't desperate it see it again. Keith agreed that he wasn't desperate to see it either and as Karen and Jo had turned back where the roof had lowered to a foot or less above the water, we turned around and went to catch them up.
We met some of the others where they were looking at large side passage where there was a dig with a nifty shelter made from a builder's rubble sack and then continued on back along the streamway to eventually arrive at the boulder choke again.
There was on awkward bit where it was easiest to go through legs first and wriggle through first sitting then on your back as you poked your legs over a small boulder but after that we were sonn back at Big Bertha.
Another section of streamway which was deep in parts and progress was made either by swimming or by holding on to rocky projections on one wall. Soon we were back at the railings at the furthest reaches of the show cave section and then following the show cave path back to the entrance passing two guided groups of tourists en route who gave us very curious looks.

Once back at the car park, we changed out of caving gear and again a return to Bernies.

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