Saturday 25 April 2009

Mildam Mine and Odin Mine, Derbyshire

Today a DCRO practice was scheduled for Eldon Hole. Bill Whitehouse had phoned yesterday asking if I would be attending and could I come to Great Hucklow first to go and have a look at Mildam Mine with he, Nick Williams and Ben Stevens. The owners were planning to re-open the mine to extract flourspar and were having an open day for locals and had asked DCRO to have a look. We arrived at the mine car park and met a manager from the mine who equipped us with helmet. lights and self-rescuers. We then were given a lift in a pick-up into the mine and had a short walk around finally visiting the foot of a 300 foot shaft near the old Ladywash Mine workings.
Just before we left, Ben received a text message saying that the plan was to relocate to Odin Mine for the Rescue Practice. So Ben and I drove there while Bill headed for Buxton to collect the Rescue Vehicle. When we arrived we found Mick Earl just having got changed with Ann Soulsby manning the entry log at the entrance and Larry Blanchard also there. There were another dozen or so already underground.
After changing, while the others headed for Sparrowpit Village Hall for a de-brief and later the AGM. Karen was busy at home finishing off the draught OCC 60th Anniversary document. In the evening was the OCC 60th Anniversary Dinner so we would be missing the DCRO AGM. I got home at around four o'clock and after a shower and change of clothing, we drove to the club cottages to meet Keith and Pete Collins and quite a few other OCC members from various times. We all walked up the the and of the track leading to the cottages and waited for a small coach from Lathkill Dale to take us to the Bull 'i th' Thorn where we were having the Dinner. After the Dinner - everybody dressed "normally" except for Steve White and Derek Freeman, who were dressed with suits and black bow-ties - although Steve had trainers on for the walk up the track - we all continued drinking beer and at around eleven PM we were collected again by the coach and dropped off at the end of the track. we walked the half-mile to the cottages and some of us headed for bed while others had a late night...

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