Sunday 20 February 2011

Lathkill Dale from Monyash

All of yesterday's snow had melted at home but there was still a thin layer of snow on the higher ground as we drove along the Ashbourne to Buxton road (A515) on our way to Monyash.
Leaving the car at the village green, we walked along the Bakewell road until we reached the beginning of Lathkill Dale.
Following the broad beginning of the dale, we then branched off on a small footpath which led gradually upwards on the left-hand side.
This brought us to the old limestone quarry of Ricklow Quarry.
We continued along the side of the dale with spectacular views along the broad dale ahead and behind.
At on point we were directly opposite the small shaft which leads into the Top Entrance of Lathkill Head Cave and we saw two cavers wandering around in the field obviously looking for the shaft.
We were able to shout across to them to direct them to the shaft, which they reached in a couple of minutes.
Continuing along the dale side, we stopped for a few minutes to have a hot drink and snack and after passing the obvious resurgence of the large opening of Lathkill Head Cave far below we were now accompanied by the sound of running water rushing along the dale bottom as it reached the surface after flowing out of the cave and also being joined by several springs spouting out of the valley side.
Opposite Cales Dale we followed slippery steps made from local limestone and a narrow path which led down gradually to the dale bottom directly opposite a small footbridge.
Crossing the footbridge and passing the other nearby resurgence at Cales Dale Cave, we followed the path along one side of the dale which had a short section following a small rocky crag and slippery steps leading past what appeared to be a small atrial adit to arrive at One Ash Grange farm where the farmhouse had a collection of Snowdrops blooming in the garden and a row of interesting old stone pigsties.
Leaving the farmyard and cattle in their barn eating hay, we crossed some fields until we eventually arrived at a walled footpath which widened to a vehicle track. After following this for a while, we crossed a wall on the right using a style and then crossed several fields leading at right-angles to Fern Dale until we crossed a final stile into the grassy churchyard back at Monyash.
 Monyash Chucrh
 View into Lathkill Dale
 View into Lathkill Dale
 Cales Dale
 Old Pigsties at One Ash Grange Farm
The Old Smith Cafe, Monyash

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